Fertilization Information
A lawn that follows a balanced fertilizer and weed control program is superior to other lawns in health and aesthetics. The natural elements that are essential for function and health of the grass plant are typically deficient in the soils on which grass is grown. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are generally the elements that we consider with a fertilization program because of the role they play in the overall function of the grass plant. Generally speaking, the analysis of fertilizers that are applied to grass have a combination of these three mineral elements. Nitrogen is the mineral element used in the greatest quantity by the grass plant; therefore it is the element that is the focus of a fertilization program. A professional fertilization program needs to be balanced and timed correctly. An unbalanced program can lead to insect and disease problems, discoloring, and improper root and tissue growth.
In most instances*, we put down one step in one of our Four-Step NatureLUV product through out the grass growing season.
Step One
Post-winter, early growth application. This provides the roots with the earliest minerals that they need to begin healthy growth.
Step Two
Early Summer Application. Put down to help stem the growth of weeds and strengthen the cell structures of the grass core.
Step Three
Mid-Late Summer, usually applied before August. Applied to maintain a healthy Nitrogen level and to maintain minimal weed invasion.
Step Four
Fall application. Put on before the temperatures drop and the snow flies. This prepares the grass for months of dormancy but also helps on those last warm days of autum.